It takes a virtual army to keep the wheels of amateur sport thriving. At the hear of or communities successes are the many grassroots sport organizations, operating their businesses with leadership, skill and drive. Both the City of Mississauga and Mississauga Sports Council (MSC) working to support development.
MSC is an incorporated, not-for-profit, membership based organization.
From networking opportunities to recognition, promotion and development, becoming a member of MSC gives you an opportunity to make a positive difference in our community. Membership is not transferable and automatically terminates if the member resigns; changes status as noted in Membership criteria; does not pay dues within required renewal period; or does not abide by MSC Mission, Code of Conduct, By-Laws, Conflict Resolution process or legislative requirements.
Annual Membership Fee
- provides for event updates, member discounts and the opportunity to support sport in our community. Approved membership provides individual with one vote at meetings of members.
a person of the age of majority, who lives in the City of Mississauga(CM), owns a business, and or works in the CM, who pays membership dues, if applicable, and adheres to MSC Mission, Values, Code of Conduct, By-laws and legislative requirements (as amended) meets requirements for applying for membership.
Supporting MSC Code of Conduct
MSC Members are required to support and comply with MSC's mission, values, by-laws, application process and member code of conduct; as well as government regulatory requirements.